Sebelumnya gw mau mengucapkan minta maaf dulu klau seandainya gw menaruh nama anda di blog ini , gw minta maaf sebesar-besarnya . soalnya blog ini berisi semua isi hati Mikey dan kehidupan mikey yang sebenarnya . GW MINTA MAAF SEBESAR-BESARNYA . God Bless u
Seseorang ini sangat berbeda sekali dgn sih dia , dia anaknya sngt pendiem bahkan super tapi dia sangat cntik Jelita bngt . Memang bnyk kakak klz sk sm seseorang ini . seseorang ini memang kadang2 bz lucu juga. setiap kali gw memikirkannya jantung gw selalu berdeguk kencang . setiap kali gw bertemu dgnnya hati gw berubah menjadi merah dan jiwa gw jd senang bngt . gw sebenernya memata-matain seseorang setiap saat tapi seseorang ini gk sadar bahwa sedang di mata-matain gw. seseorang ini sngt lemah lembut dan cantik jelita layakkan bidadari bagi gw . gw kepingin bangt bz ngukapin smua isi hati gw ke seseorang ini tapi gw gk bz .gw blm ckp brn mengungkapkannya . I LOVE U
dia memang lumayan ckp . gw suka sm dia tapi sayangnya dia gk pernah tau klau gw slalu mencoba menjaga dia , dia gk pernah tau klau gw mencintai dia dgn tulus . dia kadang nyenengin dan kadang nyebelin gw tapi gw ttp sk sm dia . walaupun dia kadang2 mengatakan bahwa gw gk mungkin bz mendpt ce yg ckp tapi gw ykn gw bisa dptin dia . gw kadang2 memang merasa kehancuran hati klau sih dia main dgn co sok lucu . gw kepingin banget dia tau klau gw bnr2 mencintai dia .I LOVE U
Gw skrang hrs bnr2 memilih . gw bnr2 menyukai diA tapi gw juga mencintai seseorang . dia sebenernya sngt baek cm kadang2 ngeselin jg , sedangkan seseorang itu sangat lemah lembut , pendiem , dan juga agak sedikit lucu terkadang . Dia bnr sangat tdk pendiem dan mudah bergaul sedangkan seseorang itu sangat super pendiem . Dia sering meremehkan gw , bahkan dia sering mengatakan pada gw bahwa gw gk mungkin bs mendpt ce yg ckp dan muka lw tu jlk . tapi kt2 itu tdk menghancurkan hati gw , hati gw selalu bilang semuanya mungkin gak ad yg gk mungkin . gw kadang2 suka cemburu klau dia main sm co yg sok lucu . sedangkan klau sih seseorang itu bnyk yg meyukainya bahkan smpai temen baek gw di skull sk sm seseorang itu , dan membuat persahabatan kita kandas . Banyak kakak kls gw sk sm seseorang ini .
kayanya emang gw bnr2 gk bisa bohongin hati gw. gw memang sdh jatuh cinta banget sm dia . setiap kali gw berjalan gw selalu bertemu dengan dia . jantung gw selalu berdetak kencan setiap gw ngeliat dia . gw memang sering bilang bahwa gw udah gk suka lagi sm dia , tapi itu cuma kebohongan gw doang . Jauh d dlm lubuk hati gw , gw cinta banget sm dia , sayang banget sm dia . Meskipun gw blm pernah berkomunikasi dgn dia melalui dunia virtual , setidaknya gw berkomunikasi dengan dia di dunia nyata . bagi gw lbh baek gw meliat senyum manisnya , mata permatanya , n rambut indahnya di dunia nyata daripada gw berkomunikasi melalui dunia virtual dgn dia . Gw cinta sm dia apa adanya . Banyak orang bilang dia gk mungkin bisa suka sm gw , tapi gw gk peduli kata2 orang . Buat gw semuanya gk ad yg impossible semuanya possible aja . Apapun yg terjadi gw akan tetap mencintai dia , meskipun dia gk suka sm gw tapi gw bakal tetap mencintai dia . gw akan selalu mencintai dia . I love U so much

The Highfield Mole (later renamed Tunnels) is a book by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams which follows the adventures of 14-year-old Will Burrows in a tyrannical underworld to which he has travelled in an attempt to find his father, an archeologist who disappeared down a mysterious tunnel.
Plot summary :
The book follows fourteen-year-old Will Burrows who lives in a fictitious London borough called Highfield with his family. Will has little in common with them except for a passion for digging,
which he shares with his father. When his father inexplicably disappears down a tunnel, Will decides to investigate with his newfound friend, Chester. Soon they find themselves deep underground, where they discover the Colony, a subterranean city in which people have been living since Georgian times. These people have a deep hatred of anyone from the surface, who they call Topsoilers, and they are ruled by a strange and fanatical group called the Styx.
Publishing background and history:
Although the authors sent excerpts to various publishers under the title The Highfield Mole, they did not pursue that avenue as they decided to self-publish the book, which they did on 17 March 2005 with a limited run of 500 hardback and 2,000 softback copies, financed by the sale of Roderick Gordon's house. The book received some trade press attention before launch and the entire hardback run sold within a day. On 19 November 2005, Barry Cunningham, of Chicken House, announced that he had agreed terms to publish The Highfield Mole and a second book in the series. Cunningham, while working for Bloomsbury in London, famously signed up J. K. Rowling, and this connection led to the book being branded "the next Harry Potter". In June 2007, Chicken House announced that the book would be published in the United Kingdom in July 2007, and that they had also pre-sold the publication rights in 15 languages (it has now been sold to 38 overseas publishers). The authors and Barry Cunningham also decided to retitle
the book Tunnels, to reflect that it had been changed by some limited editing. The United States publication would be released on 1 January 2008. With the announcement of the publication date, and press coverage in the UK, the price of the books from the initial self-published run jumped dramatically. A number of the copies are signed by the authors and 80 copies drawn from the 500-copy hardback run were numbered as part of a "Remarque" edition. These 80 numbered copies have a hand-drawn illustration by Brian Williams, an inscription by Roderick Gordon, and are signed by both authors. There is also a "Colony Leather Bound Edition" of ten hardbacks, numbered and signed, with a hand-drawn picture by Brian Williams bound into the book. T-shirts, postcards, art prints, and bookmarks which were issued as promotional materials at the time of publication also attract interest from collectors. The sequel, Deeper, was released in the UK on 5 May 2008 (scheduled for release on 3 February 2009 in the United States), and a third book, Free Fall, is expected to be released in the UK in 2009. The authors have not yet confirmed exactly how many books will be in the series.

The City of Ember is a 2003 post-apocalyptic book by Jeanne DuPrau . It revolves around the underground city of Ember, the one known surviving settlement and "the only light in the dark world" that's slowly dying as supplies run low and the electrical system starts to fail.
The main character is Lina Mayfleet, who, along with her friend, Doon Harrow, watch as the light of Ember flickers and work together to discover a way out. Ember is a self-contained, self-maintained city. All food and supplies come from giant storerooms under the city and a handful of greenhouses. All the books in the library, apart from the city history "The Book of Ember" and the schoolbooks "The Book of Letters" and "The Book of Numbers", have been hand written by residents over the years of Ember. All the light in the city comes from lamps and floodlights; when these are extinguished, the city is in complete darkness. The electricity in the city comes from an ancient hydro-electric generator in the underground Pipeworks; keeping the aging generator operational is a constant task. Beyond the borders of Ember are the dark Unknown Regions, which are unexplorable because none of the citizens of Ember can produce a mobile source of light. Ember was constructed many years ago by the Builders, but nothing is known about them other than the fact that they built the City of Ember. The story begins immediately after the construction of the city. Two of the Builders discuss what will happen when supplies run low and conditions become bleak, and decide to leave instructions for escape in a special sealed box, which will open automatically after 200 years, when it will be safe to leave the city. The box is entrusted to the Mayor of Ember, who passes it down to the following Mayor when he leaves office. While the Mayors do not know what the box contains, they keep it safe over the years and do not tell anyone about it. However, the box is lost and forgotten when the seventh Mayor unsuccessfully tries to open it (prematurely) and then dies before he can pass it on to the next Mayor.
The action then shifts to the year 241 in Ember. It is Assignment Day at the Ember school. On this day, the 12 year-olds finish their education and enter the workforce. They are assigned jobs at random by drawing pieces of paper from a bag held by the mayor. In room 8, one student, Lina Mayfleet, draws the job of Pipe-works Laborer; which will require her to work underground in the huge Pipeworks that power Ember and deliver its water, repairing lights and pipes as needed. Another student, Doon Harrow, becomes a Messenger. The Messengers are Ember's communication team, who run around the city relaying personal messages between citizens.
Both Lina and Doon dislike their chosen jobs, and therefore exchange them. Doon wishes to become an electrician because he is seriously concerned with the state of the city and the generator. Blackouts and power outages are becoming common in Ember. No one knows when the generator will stop. In addition, supplies are dwindling, buildings are crumbling and the city seems to be breaking down piece by piece. On the job in the Pipeworks, Doon explores the tunnels and tries to discover a way to save Ember. He even sneaks into the room containing the giant Generator, but realizes at once that he has no idea how it works, much less how to repair it.
Lina is thrilled to have the job of Messenger because it allows her to run and explore every corner of Ember while she delivers her messages. She works hard, puzzling over secret messages passed to the Mayor from a strange man named Looper. She also copes with her grandmother's ever failing health, and cares for her little sister, Poppy.
Poppy discovers an ancient piece of paper in a box in the Mayfleet apartment. By the time Lina manages to pry it out of the toddler's hands, the paper has been chewed and torn to pieces, and the writing has been obscured in many places. Lina hangs on to the scraps, and becomes convinced they hold a special message. She shows the paper to certain friends and neighbors, including her old classmate Lizzie Bisco, but nobody has any clues as to its significance.
Lina's grandmother cannot explain the paper either, but incoherently rambles on about finding "something that was lost". In the middle of one night, she calls Lina in. She mutters something about a baby, then falls asleep. That night, she dies. One of the Mayfleet family's neighbors, a kindly woman named Mrs. Murdo, offers to take Lina and Poppy in. Lina accepts this offer.
Eventually, and thanks to Clary, the greenhouse helper, Doon and Lina piece the paper together and a friend tells Lina that the message contains "Instructions for Egress"--instructions to leave Ember. They descend into the Pipeworks and discover that the instructions are indeed valid, and that the underground river holds the key to escape from the city. They also discover that a man named Looper is stealing the disappearing resources of Ember from the storerooms and giving them to the Mayor in a secret room in the Pipeworks.They report the Mayor's theft to City Hall, confident that he would be arrested.
However, the Mayor sets his guards upon the pair, and orders their arrest for "spreading vicious rumors." Before they can tell the residents of Ember about the Instructions for Egress, they are forced to flee the city. Lina manages to take her little sister Poppy, and, with Doon, goes down into the Pipeworks and flees Ember by boat on the underground river.
The river eventually leads to a great rock slope. Poppy discovers a book on the riverbank; Lina and Doon keep it and bring it along to read later. After a long and arduous climb, Lina, Doon and Poppy emerge from the rocks into a new world, where they discover sunlight, moonlight, stars and nature.
This discovery is followed by another one, their history. The battered book turns out to be a personal journal; reading it, Lina and Doon learn that their city was founded by a group of one hundred adults and the same number of children as a measure to guarantee the survival of the human race in a disaster that obliterated civilization.
Doon and Lina explore a nearby cave. Looking down from a high cliff in the cave, they are amazed to see Ember below them--and realize that they have been living underground all along. In a last-ditch effort to save their city's citizens, the three write a note with the Instructions for Egress, wrap it in Doon's shirt, and hurl it down into Ember where it is found by Mrs. Murdo.